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Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025

販売価格:¥41460.00円¥24050.00円 (税込)




  • Power4Laptops Branded Replacement Charger - Unlike cheaper Power Supplies, Power4Laptops products are Electrical Safety Tested in the UK and CE Certified to guarantee your safety
  • Overvoltage and Overcurrent Protection Circuits built in - In the event of a power surge the Power Supply will blow before it damages your equipment.
  • Output Voltage: 19V
  • Output Amperage: 9.5A
  • Plug Size: 5.5mm X 2.5mm
説明: Power4Laptops Power Supplies have overvoltage and overcurrent protection circuits built in, this means if you get a power surge a circuit in the power supply will blow before it damages your equipment. Our Power Supplies have also had Electrical Safety Assessment Tests conducted on them in the UK and have a valid CE Certificate which authorises them for safe use in the EU.
ご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます。海外倉庫に保管されている場合はお届けまでに通常2〜10営業日程お時間を頂いております。国内倉庫に保管されている場合は2〜3営業日で出荷いたします。■税関手続き、関税支払い等すべて当方で対応させていただいております。ご安心くださいませ。■海外倉庫から出荷する場合、稀に税関で開封がされる場合がございますので、予めご認識の上、ご購入をお願いいたします。■ 在庫数が少なく表示されている商品もご希望の数量でご提供することもできますので、お気軽にご相談ください。
高さ: 0.0 センチ
幅: 0.0 センチ
奥行: 0.0 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg


Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025
Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible
Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025
Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible
Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025
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Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025
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Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025
: Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter
Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025
: Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter
Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter Compatible with Asus EeeTop PC ET2701INTI-B025
: Power4Laptops Desktop PC Power Supply AC Adapter

クチコミ評価(4.6 / 752件)




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